Russell Road: 041 509 6300 / Central: 041 509 6000 / Dower: 041 509 6200 / Iqhayiya: 041 509 6450 / Kemsley Park 041 509 6076

Management Assistant

Management Assistant2020-08-28T16:30:59+02:00

Management Assistant

Plan, develop, implement, monitor, maintain and evaluate national policy, programme assessment practices and systems for community education and training.

Community education and Training has four sub-programmes:

Programme Management: Community Education and Training

manages the delegated administrative and financial responsibilities, and coordinates the monitoring and evaluation function of the programme.

Community Education and Training Colleges Systems Planning, Institutional Development and Support

supports management and councils, monitors and evaluates the community education and training system performance against set indicators, develops regulatory frameworks for the system, manages and monitors the procurement and distribution of learning and teaching support materials, provides leadership for community education and training colleges to enter into partnerships for the utilisation of infrastructure and funding resources, maps out an institutional landscape for the rollout of the community education and training system, and is responsible for community education and training infrastructure planning and development.

Financial Planning

sets up financial management systems, develops the financial management capacity of community education and training colleges, manages and determines fair distribution of funding to community education and training colleges in accordance with funding norms and standards for funding these colleges, monitors compliance with supply chain management policy, and ensures the timely submission of audited performance information, annual financial statements, and quarterly and annual reports.

Education and Training and Development Support

manages and coordinates curriculum development processes; ensures the development of quality learning and teaching materials; monitors and supports the implementation of curriculum statements and assessment regulations; monitors and supports the development of lecturers; provides leadership for community education and training colleges to diversify their programmes, qualifications and curriculum; and provides leadership for colleges to form partnerships and linkages for programme diversification.

Get in Touch

1 Richmond Hill Drive, Richmond Hill, 6001

Central Administration

Tel: 041 509 6000

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