Russell Road: 041 509 6300 / Central: 041 509 6000 / Dower: 041 509 6200 / Iqhayiya: 041 509 6450 / Kemsley Park 041 509 6076

R191: Management Assistant (N4-N6)

R191: Management Assistant (N4-N6)2023-09-19T08:12:33+02:00

R191: Management Assistant (N4-N6)

This Management Assistant qualification provides opportunities to access typist, office administration, secretarial, receptionist and personal assistant careers. The person that will make a success of a career in administration or as management assistant is a person that is organised and methodical.

This course consists of an N4 Certificate, N5 Certificate and N6 Certificate. After completing the N6 Certificate students need to submit proof of 18 months experience in industry/practical in order to qualify for the National N-Diploma through the Department of Higher Education and Training.

Programme Structure

  • Communication N4
  • Office Practice N4
  • Information Processing N4
  • Computer Practice N4
  • Communication N5
  • Office Practice N5
  • Information Processing N5
  • Computer Practice N5
  • Communication N6
  • Office Practice N6
  • Public Relations N5
  • Information Processing N6

(In order to work towards a National N-Diploma, you must complete Information Processing N6) After completing the N6 Certificate, students need to complete 18 months of practical experience in their area of study to obtain a National N-Diploma.

Admission Requirements Course Duration Location
  • Grade 12 or an equivalent qualification

Students with competency in Office Data Processing, Compu-Typing, Typing, Information Processing or
Computer Application Technology (CAT) will receive preference. An average percentage of 45% or higher will be to the candidate’s advantage (Business Studies and English). The medium of teaching in this course is English and students must be able to speak and write English.

  • 6 months per level full-time (3 semesters to complete up to N6 level)
  • 18 months practical experience
  • Enrolment in January and July
Dower Campus

Career Options & General FAQ’s

  • Administrative Assistant
  • Data Capturer
  • Management Assistant
  • Office Administrator
  • Personal Assistant
  • Receptionist
  • Secretary
  • Typist
  • Data capturing
  • Manage office administrative duties
  • Secretarial work


  • You can work in any industry

Achieving the necessary entry requirements at academic level during this course will enable you to continue studying in a business-related field of study. This can be done by completing your National N-Diploma at a TVET College, or studying towards a specific business qualification at an institution of Higher Education, such as a University or University of Technology, based on your academic achievements meeting their specific admission requirements.

Get in Touch

1 Richmond Hill Drive, Richmond Hill, 6001

Central Administration

Tel: 041 509 6000

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